Q. I want to use DragThing 4 but I get a message about something called CarbonLib when I try to open the application. What can I do?
A. DragThing 4 requires version 1.1.1 or later of the CarbonLib system extension to be installed on your Macintosh in order to run.
If you are running Mac OS 9, download the latest Mac OS 9.1 update which includes the required version of CarbonLib. Version 1.2.5 is also available using the Software Update control panel.
Otherwise you can download the latest version of CarbonLib from Apple's support web site at the following URL:
DragThing requires CarbonLib only on Mac OS 8.6 and 9. It is not required on Mac OS X.
Q. What is this Carbon thing anyway?
A. Carbon is the name of a new version of the Mac OS programming interfaces used to write all Mac software. It has been designed so that people can write an application that is able to run on both Mac OS 8 and 9 - the "Classic" Mac OS - and the new Mac OS X.
If you want to run software properly on OS X, you need to have a Carbon version of it, otherwise it will run in the Classic environment without the benefits of the new operating system.
CarbonLib is the name of the implementation of the Carbon programming interface for Mac OS 8 and 9.
Q. Have you written any other software I should know about?
A. Of course! I am also the author of PCalc, the veteran scientific calculator application. You can download a copy from the official web site at:
If you like DragThing, I'm sure you'll like PCalc too.
Q. How to I register DragThing and get a serial number?
A. The easiest way is to go to the Kagi online ordering web page, which you can find at:
You can pay online with a variety of methods, including by credit card using Kagi's secure server. They will then send you back a confirmation email entitled "Thanks for your payment" which contains your serial number at the bottom.
See the registration section in the the documentation located in the DragThing Help folder for more details about the registration process, including all payment options.
Q. The "Register Online" document is just a blank icon, and doesn't do anything when I click it. How do I make it work?
A. That document is an "Internet Shortcut", which only works under Mac OS 8.5 and later. You can manually enter the URLs for the pages into your web browser however.